01. Introduction



ND320 C4 L1 01 Intro To Digital Sampling & Signal Processing

Conceptual Topics

We will be covering four major areas of signal processing theory in this lesson.

We will be covering four major areas of signal processing theory in this lesson.

Intro to Digital Sampling & Signal Processing Recap


This lesson will be a whirlwind tour through sampling theory, signal processing, the Fourier transform, and related topics that you will need to know to complete this course. Along the way, we will learn how to plot and visualize our signals using basic python plotting functions. We will be using the following packages:

If you are familiar with these libraries and concepts already, then this will be mostly a review. If this is all brand new to you, don’t worry, this lesson assumes zero prior knowledge and doesn’t overwhelm you with the theory. In fact, you won’t see a single equation in this lesson. You will, however, see a lot of code.